Document Type : Original Article


1 tabriz university

2 Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Environmental Science Planning, Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran



The increase in urbanization has led to significant development in a number of urban areas, and in addition, changes in land use structure have been significant due to the rapid growth and expansion of urban areas. The city of Urmia is not exempted from this trend and its population and area have increased several times during the last few decades. Based on this, in the present study, the temporal and spatial patterns of the physical development of Urmia city during the last two decades have been investigated. The current research has been done in two basic stages. First, land use maps were extracted using Landsat satellite images and support vector machine classification technique in three years 1382, 1392 and 1402, and in the next phase, various trends were analyzed and the role of population was calculated using the Heldren model. According to Pejush's findings, the area of residential land in Urmia increased from 4377.2 hectares in 1382 to 5895.7 hectares in 1392 and 6573 hectares in 1402, and many lands were added to the city. Surveys have indicated the physical development of the city in different directions, especially towards the west and north, which is strongly associated with the expansion of informal settlements and the integration of villages into the urban context. Also, the results of Heldren's model also show that in the first ten years of the period, 88% of the city's physical development was due to population growth, which decreased to 78% in the second ten years. The results of the research show that in general, the physical development of Urmia city is of a spiral type and various factors such as land use change, population growth and marginalization were involved in it


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