Document Type : Original Article


1 UniversityOF Zanjan faculty member

2 Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, University of Zanjan , Zanjan, Iran

3 University of zanjan

4 Master student of geography and urban planning, University of Zanjan , Zanjan, Iran



The increasing urban population in recent decades has subjected cities to various forces and challenges, including urban traffic, the growth of informal settlements, uncontrolled urban expansion, and social anomalies. These issues, both directly and indirectly, lead to increased crime rates, unemployment, and limited access to adequate urban services, all of which negatively impact urban quality of life. Understanding the spatial form, structure, and growth of a city can play a crucial role in the success of urban planners and policymakers. In this context, the present study analyzes the spatial distribution of smart growth indicators in the regions of Zanjan city using objective and spatial data. The research method is descriptive-analytical and applied, with data collected through documentary and library-based methods. For spatial analysis, the TODIM model and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) were applied within a Geographic Information System (GIS). The findings indicate that the overall residential density, net building density, and building concentration percentage are of high significance. Furthermore, the rate of consistency in the pairwise comparison of the research criteria is less than 0.1. Among the 27 districts of Zanjan city, district 7-1 (Karmandan neighborhood) with a score of 1 is in an optimal condition, whereas districts 9-3 (Fatemieh neighborhood), 5-1, and 8-2, with a score of 0, are in an unfavorable condition. These results can assist urban planners in developing optimal strategies for urban growth management and improving urban quality of life.


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