Document Type : Original Article


Department of Human Geography and Planning, Faculty of Geography, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran



The shift from a top-down, management-centric governance paradigm to a bottom-up, participatory, and inclusive post-traditional people-centered approach has been one of the most significant transformations of the past two centuries. This shift is a result of the rise of industry, technology, and the importance of science, creating a framework for better communication among these factors. Instead of closed and exclusive management, an open approach that involves all stakeholders has prevailed. This study aims to examine the current status of governance components and to explain their role and impact on the realization of urban renewal in the blighted fabric of Shahrekord. The results show that the status of the dimensions and indicators of urban governance and urban renewal in the blighted fabric of Shahrekord is unsatisfactory. According to the results obtained from statistical tests, there is a significant relationship between desirable urban governance indicators and community-based renewal, and governance indicators have a positive impact on the urban renewal of the blighted fabric of Shahrekord. Furthermore, based on the results of structural equation modeling, which confirms the significant and positive relationship between urban governance and its components with the components of urban renewal, urban governance has the greatest impact on the environmental dimension of urban renewal. Among the components of urban governance, responsiveness and consensus-building have a greater impact on the studied dimensions of urban renewal. Whereas, legality and accountability have had a lower impact on predicting urban renewal. To improve the status of urban renewal in the blighted fabric of Shahrekord, a change in the management approach and more attention to the wishes and opinions of residents are needed. The creation of new spaces should be done according to the culture and wishes of the people to increase the sense of belonging and social tranquility.


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