Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Prof. of Theology and Islamic thought (Islamic jurisprudence and fundamentals of Islamic law), Faculty of Islamic Sciences and Researches, Imam Khomeini International University (IKIU) Qazvin, Iran



The link between the exercise of citizens' rights and the governance which in the right to the city has reached its peak, is undeniable, and thus the right to the city and local governance will be two sides of the same coin.

This study by descriptive - analytical method seeks to answer the questions that include the concept, examples and content of the right to the city in Iran's law and the relationship between the right to the city and the relationship with the governance on the basis sustainability. The right to the city is a non-objective matter that the city and the material and spiritual facilities within it belongs to it. Different criteria can be considered to determine its dimensions and content, such as law and special custom, but the second criterion must be valid in the view of the legislator in order to be valid. The rights owner are the people and its duty-bearers are the government and a part of it such as municipalities and similar organizations and also people. Sustainability-based governance through methods such as resolving the ambiguities of the right to the city and creating the conditions for the exercise of this right by achieving its goals can help the enforcement of the right to the city.
