Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Urban and Regional Planning Faculty of Planning and Environmental Science University of Tabriz

2 University of tabriz



The expansion of urbanization and the interaction of people with urban public spaces, the quality of life of city dwellers is tied to the quality of urban spaces. Thus, it is necessary that all different parts of a city have equal access to high quality services. However, tensions regarding the quality of public spaces can be seen in different areas of cities, which may affect spatial justice and create different experiences of urban life for residents of different areas of a city. The information required for this research, which is descriptive-analytical, has been collected by questionnaires based on random selection. Questionnaires are divided into 2 main sections including personal information and questions related to research variables. Physical infrastructure, accessibility, cultural conditions and objective and subjective security are the variables of this research. The data from the questionnaires were analyzed using hot spot analysis and Moran's index in ARC GIS software version 10.7. The results show that there is a significant difference between the quality of different regions of Tabriz city, so that region 2, 5 and 1 are known as the highest quality regions and region 8, 10, 4 and 6 are the lowest quality regions of Tabriz city from the residents' point of view.


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