Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran.

2 2. Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Mamaghan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mamaghan, Iran.

3 3. Ph.D. in Architecture, Department of Architecture, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran.



The field of civil engineering and construction are interconnected to each other and their common points are in architecture design lessons. The present study deals with the influence of this lessons education on the students’ performance in the field of civil engineering. The statistical society was chosen in Tabriz University. The investigation technique was analytical-qualitative, which was performed using a pilot study. Additionally, the evaluation of the acquired results was accomplished quantitatively and the questionnaires were employed. Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient was obtained 0.94, which indicates that the questionnaires have an acceptable stability. In order to analyze the distribution of variables, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was utilized in this study. Based on the significance of the obtained results, it can be concluded that two main parameters of principles and fundamentals in civil engineering and construction possess a normal distribution. Likert scale was used to analyze total questions, which had three ranges of weak (26-71), medium (72-97), and good (98-123). These ranges exhibit the influence of educating architecture design on civil engineering students’ performance in Tabriz University, which were found to be 26.66 % weak, 36.66% medium, and 36.66% good. Bazargan’s standard evaluation spectrum was employed for the analysis of each parameter and they were mostly desirable. In order to compare the impact of principles and fundamentals on performance of civil engineering employees in Tabriz University, T-test was used, which had the values of 67.26% and 32.74% respectively for each parameter. Eventually, suggests were provided to improve the performance of civil engineering students and employees in Tabriz University. For example, presenting the lesson in high terms, increasing the time and the number of sessions, providing appropriate topics with respect to progress in professional work place, selection of professional and experienced masters to transfer this experience to the students and etc.


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